Ongkili: Pemimpin Yang Berjiwa Rakyat, Prihatin dan Berwibawa
After an absence of some months, Deep Throat Sabah returns with an expose on Datuk Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, the Deputy President of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). The public Ongkili and the private Ongkili are two different people. The image Ongkili maintains in Sabah and what he is really like outside Sabah would shock even the most liberal of Sabahans.
Deep Throat Sabah
Datuk Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili — B.Agr.Sc., Ph.D (La Trobe), MPEP (Harvard), PGDK, ASDK, JP — is the current Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI). In 2004, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi appointed Ongkili a Minister in the Prime Minister's Department with the special role of promoting National Unity and Integration. He was appointed the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation on 18 March 2008.
Born in Sabah on 26 October 1953, Ongkili holds a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from La Trobe University, Australia. He completed a fellowship and summer programmes at the United Nations University, Tokyo and Harvard Institute for International Development, Boston.
His wife is Datin Joan Maluda and they have 2 children, Rachel Jane Ongkili and Andreas Jordan Ongkili.
"Pemimpin Yang Berjiwa Rakyat, Prihatin dan Berwibawa". That is what the PBS website says (, which starts the introduction of Ongkili with: Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili is a local Sabahan who has risen to become a community leader with integrity and is widely respected by Malaysians, in particular, Sabah.
Note the keyword ‘integrity’ in the introduction above. If there was one thing that Ongkili does NOT have, that would be integrity.
The PBS website goes on to say: During his free time, Dr. Maximus does gardening, writing, fishing, hunting and also conducts lectures through seminars relating to education, economics, leadership and spiritual values. He took up golfing in 2004 on the encouragement of the current Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di Pertua Negeri Sabah. Remarked by many of his friends as the "most improved golfer" with a handicap of 18, he has played in all of the known golf courses in Sabah and some of the popular golf courses in West Malaysia, Australia, Korea, Taiwan and the United States.
Aha! Golfing in Australia Korea, Taiwan and the United States, says the PBS website. Yes, he may go overseas often enough. However, it is not to play a round of 18 holes of golf. It is the 'nineteenth hole' that Ongkili is more concerned with. On all his overseas trips Ongkili would bring along his mistress, Betsy Steven Elfa Emoi, whom he introduces to all and sundry as his cousin. But the most important question would be: how can he afford to go overseas with a huge entourage of friends and playmates ever so often on his meagre Minister’s salary? Well, that is because he does not personally pay for these trips. The trips are paid for by the government through ‘grants’ that his Ministry gives out to various companies — grants that are supposed to be used for research, not to finance sex trips to foreign countries.
The PBS website goes on to say that Ongkili “is also an elected Deputy President of the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association, Sabah (KDCA) and has organised many community-related activities. As the Deputy President of the KDCA, he is also entrusted to lead in the organising of the Sabah State-level Tadau Kaamatan (Harvest Festival) which are held on 30th and 31st May every year at the KDCA Hongkod Koisaan (Cultural Centre), Penampang.”
On 16th September 2002, in recognition for his services to the State and Nation, Ongkili was conferred the Panglima Gemilang Darjah Kinabalu (PGDK), which carries the title "Datuk", the State's second highest award by the Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di Pertua Negeri Sabah.
Yes, only in Malaysia are slime-balls, scumbags and robbers of public funds honoured with titles and awards. We shall continue, tomorrow, this expose of the man who has robbed the nation’s coffers to the tune of hundreds of millions of Ringgit.
This is the picture of Ongkili with his friends and mistress, Betsy Steven Elfa Emoi, living it up in Australia