Will all concerned parties hear me out?

Mr Prime Minister, The Head of the Judiciary, the IGP and the AG, please listen to me. This is Malaysia with 28 million people. We have a Government of the day. But are you aware that nothing seem to be right as at this moment?

The people are quarrelling, the politicians are fighting among themselves, the crime rate seems to be out of control. The economy seem to be at a stand still. Yet nobody seems to be either concerned or interested or taking proactive steps to do what has to be done. Right now the only thing we hear and read is about all the massive police reports being made by all kinds of concerned people. Is this not a sign that something is seriously wrong?

The police seem to have lost sense of their direction. Where is the police force to curb and eradicate crime? Are human beings not entitled to live in peace and in harmony? Right now every household is scared stiff about their own safety not only on the roads but even in their own homes. Our sons are scared of  kidnappers. Our daughters are worried if they would be the next victim of rapists or snatch thieves or robbers. Our wives are equally scared that their homes would be destroyed by terrorists in the guise of robbers and gangsters. Yet nobody, and I repeat nobody, is bothered. Not the least bit. When an MP brings out a certain problem in the Parliament, the Speaker is disinterested in even hearing it as the Speaker is himself not bothered.

Where is our Prime Minister now? I don’t hear a word being said by him regarding the problems in the country. Please, where are you ? You may say to yourself that you less than one month as the Prime Minister. Therefore it does not bother you. No! This is where you are wrong. Please bear in mind every day and every hour and every minit of your existence is being paid by the taxpayers. You cannot abdicate your inherent and sacred duties to the people.

One may say that he is the PM, the IGP, the AG and the Chief Justice of the country. What good is a country if there are no people? Each one of you is indebted to the people for you are living off their money and that is the taxpayers money. Your salaries are not picked out from trees from your backyard. It is fully paid by the citizens or people residing in this country. I say people. as this includes foreigners too. The money they spent be it through investments or simply expenses finally ends up in the Governmet kitty through indirect taxes of one form or another.

So I call upon all of you to please give extreme priority to the people’s welfare rather than your own political or personal interests. I consider it a SIN and an unforgiveable act if you abdicate your responsibilities to the people. Please forget the dirty politics everyone is indulged in. People are not paying for something that is dirty. People pay money for something that is clean and rightful. Yes, UMNO is indeed responsible for all the wrongs and troubles in the country. Look at the massive corruption among the party members. It looks like they are now reaping the harvest which they have sown decades ago. Yet you are the head of UMNO. It is your paramount duty to go to the ground and do everything necessary to stop this rot. You must do this with a ‘hands-on’ approach. Otherwise it would be the end of a decadent empire as history has so vividly exposed.

Mr PM, you are seeing with your own eyes one state government that has collapsed and others are on the verge of collapse. How do you expect the people of the collapsed government to function? Is it morally right for you to turn your back against the people of that state as if to say, GO TO HELL FOR I CARE LESS. No, you are wrong! Every Perakian is also paying for your maintenance as the PM. You owe your duty towards them. Right now it looks like the State Government is in the hands of the Courts. It is suits and counter-suits which will finally land in the Federal Courts. Courts are not the place to run a Government. If so then we might not see a government till eternity. The only beneficiaries of court cases are the lawyers and not the people. Lawyers may keep fighting in courts based on syllables, commas and dots while the people will be the direct beneficiaries of chaos and suffering.

This is when we Malaysians will witness the unsightly consequences of a failed Government and a failed State. Perak witnessed the ugly sight of the police force being used against the trustees of the State Government and the people. Mr PM, you are the man entrusted to run this country. You have a duty to make sure that the people are protected against all forms of terrorism against their daily lives. I consider the might of the police force being used against the people as a form of terrorism. This is a very serious matter. The crime rate is explosively frightening yet nothing is done to arrest this disease. Please act on this with utmost urgency. Please use your leadership qualities and your Statesmanship to pull the bull by its horns and arrest the instability and the festering chaos that prevails in the society.   

Finally, Mr PM, I and a lot of fellow Malaysians are sick and tired of all the politically motivated legal suits in the country. One case in point is Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The so-called sodomy charge has become sickening, of least interest to the people and the rest of the world. Allow me to say it has lost all credibility in the eyes of the citizens. Why persist in matters that makes no sense to the rakyat? It is a sheer waste of public funds and the taxpayers are not interested in their contributions being used for irrelevant issues. Furthermore, this issue has become shameful, distasteful and not of any public value. The other is the Raja Petra court cases. He is a writer per se and is not considered  a threat to national security. I would suggest these matters be abandoned and instead take cognizance of the most serious issues afflicting the nation and its people.

The reason is this. The people are getting sick and tired of the government being involved in irrelevant issues and not what matters them most. People are getting the feel that the Malaysian government is more interested in witch hunting against its own citizens rather than what affects their security of life, bread and butter on the table, health care and being able to live a simple and happy life. Please stop all negative activities that does no good to anybody. Please listen to me. It is absolutely urgent. I do not wish for the life of me to witness a metamorphosis of Malaysia into another failed state like Zimbabwe.


