Pokok Demokrasi and all that jazz…
The High Court has declared the Assembly as illegal!
So much for Pokok Demokrasi. Back to square one.
To say that Malaysian politics has become very interesting will be the lamest of intros for this post.
Events that have been unfolding on a weekly basis here deserves a mention in Drew Curtis’ Fark.com.
Headline would read something like:
Democratically-elected assembly meets in under a tree, with a Fark style rejoinder, Prime Minister doesn’t understand why.
So this tug of war continues. I’m sure all of you know this by now, but if you don’t, here’s the juice.
But here’s the latest in the drama that’s The Fight for Perak.
The High Court has declared the Assembly as illegal!
So much for Pokok Demokrasi. Back to square one.
But wait, other issues are at hand. The judge also says that the Speaker cannot be represented by private lawyers, even if the guy who’s supposed to (state legal adviser), is representing present MB Zambryin a matter that’s in confict of interest.
Ex-MB Nizar Jamaludin is seeking the Sultan’s intervention yet again, to dissolve the assembly. But hey, fat chance of that happening, after Sultan Azlan Shah’s decision the last time.
So what now?
What more at: http://dansemacabre.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/pokok-demokrasi-and-all-that-jazz/