Our Education System….A Case of The Blind Leading The Blind?

Posted by erniejean on February 26, 2009

For the past decade or so, it’s been a common knowledge and much to the chagrin of Malaysian parents, that the quality of our teachers have dropped so badly that that our public education system has become one big great joke.

The government and our education ministry may not officially acknowledge this fact, but then again, neither have they denied it outright, have they?

Thursday February 26, 2009

Teachers going mad teaching subjects in English, claims rep


TAIPING: Some Malay teachers in Bagan Serai are “going mad” as they cannot handle teaching Mathematics and Science subjects in English, claimed a state assemblyman .

Dr Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah (Titi Serong) said the teachers themselves had to take English classes to improve their command of English.

While they are still grappling with the language, they are required to teach their students as well, said Khalil, who was chairman of the Perak Backbenchers Club in the former Pakatan Rakyat-led state government.

“The teachers themselves have a poor command of English. How do we expect them to teach their students?” he asked in his speech after a briefing on the subject at the state PAS headquarters in Jalan Air Kuning on Tuesday. (The question is why are they teaching our children in the first place if  they have proven to be soooo incompetent !!!???)

Some teachers, he said, “have simply gone crazy” because of this, likening the matter to the blind leading the blind. He claimed the minimum passing mark for both subjects were lowered to ensure that only a rosy picture was painted of the move. (You’re right about the blind leading the blind……that that basically sums up our education system too!!)

Earlier, the gathering was told by Malaysian Translators Association president Associate Prof Abdullah Hassan that a big gathering is scheduled to be held in front of Istana Negara at 2pm on March 7 to protest against the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English. (FRU and trigger happy cops on standby already?)

Prof Abdullah said the argument that the usage of English would provide better job opportunities could only hold water if there were plenty of job openings. (Who made this joker a professor btw!!?? How can there be better job opportunities when you people don’t bother to improve yourselves language wise and such!!!???)

Seriously, need we say more?

How on earth did these people, who can’t even command a decent level of English, get employed as teachers in the first place!!!???

But then again, come to think of it, majority of our graduates can’t even carry a decent conversation in that language. In fact, it’s like having a “Chicken And Duck” talk with the likes of them, where you’d ask them something in English and they’d answer in their mother-tongue.

I mean, come on!!! I’ve seen the level of English used in our Mathematics and Science syllabus and it’s definitely not like it requires a genius (or even a half-genius) to understand what’s being taught, what more turn one crazy!!!!

These new breed of teachers, I suspect (and I believe many other parents too), did not join this profession out of passion or love for the job, but rather, out of neccessity to earn a living, perhaps, because they couldn’t find employment elsewhere due to their poor attitude and lousy degrees…..hence the shitty and lazy attitudes.

If non-native BM speaking teachers can master the BM language to effectively teach, why can’t the same be achieved for the English language?

And if it’s such a “mental torture” to be required to understand simple English, then I say, that teacher should just quit and let someone else more deserving take over.

Read more at: http://thedandelions.wordpress.com/2009/02/26/our-education-systema-case-of-the-blind-leading-the-blind/
