We need a Ketuanan – “Ketuanan Rakyatâ€
By R. Shan (Human Being)
Ketuanan Raykat is important because you and I are not suckers and we are subjective personalities. We can read between the lines and know with our own exposure and experience the real state of the nation.
Just too much has been happening in favor of Ketuanan UMNO either in politic, economic or social front while the rakyat suffer unjust, unfair and abuse of law and its process for these morons that use money, greed, power and the media spinmasters as their tool to maintain their status quo.
Yes, we missed it on March 8, 2008 as the fence sitters gave the benefit of doubt to these morons to continue and make the change so that we could progress as Malaysians but it is obvious they don’t give a damn as they continue in their wayward ways of misleading and abusing the authority that we had given them.
We can only have the Ketuanan Rakyat if we are subjective for a collective purpose in our own conscience and views on the surrounding that happens irrespective of our race, religion, color or creed. Read your main media; if the truth cuts the position of the government, the government does not report it or it is played down. But when the false propaganda supports the government’s lies, it is all over the news.
Ketuanan Raykat is important because you and I are not suckers and we are subjective personalities. We can read between the lines and know with our own exposure and experience the real state of the nation and yet we continue to allow the Ketuanan UMNO and its little nincompoops to influence, brainwash and divert us for the good of the country.
Many instances had occurred in Malaysia where it threatens our way of life whereby the selected parties have pilfered our systems, destroyed the very foundation that we stand for through our own inaction and our inability to act together irrespective of race, religion, color and following to challenge and revolt for the foundation of our nation for the society that we live in.
We today should not have a basic irrational and amoral system that serves the selected few but it should serve the Rakyat. Ketuanan Rakyat is the morality and humanity that we have in each other.
We just need to stand united and act to challenge our own ways against these money, greed and power crazed morons for the betterment of our society who, I believe, truly cherish humanity in one another because we are well balanced Malaysians.
Your way of life today may not be threatened, but it will eventually catch up if we don’t assert our Ketuanan Rakyat over the Ketuanan UMNO and their cronies. Please support any cause that concerns the humanity and moral conscience that still lingers in us for each other for Ketuanan Rakyat to survive.
The truth is a powerful weapon and Ketuanan Rakyat can emerge if we recognize the truth for the humanity and conscience in each other and act accordingly in our own subjective ways to pursue a Ketuanan Rakyat agenda collectively.
Lastly, I would like to state that, Ketuanan UMNO can only exist if we, the Ketuanan Rakyat keep quiet and accept everything that is thrown our way and accept their modus operandi because it does not affect our bread and butter and we will forever sing the song of – What can I do? How am I effective? How am I affected? What can I alone do? How does it affect my surrounding? Trust yourself that there are many ways and methods; but only if you are able to stretch yourself the extra length and spend some time without jeopardizing all the above for the humanity and conscience to create the Ketuanan Rakyat. This is the game where you are the Master and epitome of the Ketuanan Rakyat for us.
R. Shan (Human Being)