UMNO begging QC’s help in London – a Mistake Coup?

But make no mistake about the current low-standard of leaders who resort to intimidation, barbarian way of take-this-bullet-you-sucker threat, paying top dollars to peeping-tom for nude photos and bribe anyone possible.

Ever since the federal government (or rather UMNO) forcefully taken over one of opposition’s states of Perak the de-factor opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim couldn’t afford to smile as much as he used to be. Just like the stock market Anwar was charging like a bull as if the market was experiencing Super Bull-Run after his party PKR together with team-mates of PAS and DAP unexpectedly captured 5 states. For a moment he felt immortal and the reach to the Putrajaya was within sight. However unlike the outgoing Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, the PM-in-waiting Najib Razak did not waste much time wrestling Perak state from Anwar. It was not many months ago that Najib via another UMNO warlord Muhyddin Yassin successfully forced Abdullah to agree to resign in Mar 2009.

Now it seems the hunter becomes the hunted and vice-versa. And just like the stock market Anwar feels vulnerable and is crawling like a bear while Najib becomes the bull charging like there’s no tomorrow. Suddenly the view of Putrajaya becomes so far away to Anwar while Najib’s wife, Rosmah, began to taste the power of those who walk in the corridors of power. She must have enjoyed herself to the fullest in her appearance in the government-controlled media during the campaign asking for donations for the Gaza. Like her husband Rosmah can smells the aroma of the number-1 seat currently held by Jeanne Abdullah. The clock is ticking and the vision of her being installed as the most powerful woman come this Mar is enough to make her climax, who wouldn’t right?

Unlike PR (Pakatan Rakyat) who managed to win over Perak state through peoples’ vote, BN (Barisan Nasional) used the back-door (intimidation, bribery and threat) in bringing down the Perak government. The last thing on federal government BN’s menu is a state-level snap election not because BN will fail miserably but because the scale of embarrassment could influence the state of Sarawak to deliver important State and Parliament seats to opposition PR coalition. Hence BN would rather play dirty to win battles than to fight like gentlemen. In fact the current dirty politics adopted by BN makes even the former Prime Minister Mahathir disgusted. When a former dictator felt irritated with the dirtiness it goes to show that the current situation is so pathetic that besides skin-color the future leader is comparable to Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe *scary huh?*.

