One Opposition of One Discipline
Almost a year after the 12th GE, there appears to be no move from the opposition parties to cement and formalize their relationship. It is as if they are satisfied with the gains of the 12th GE and have no more ambition to strengthen their ranks and vie for power in the 13th GE.
In the meantime, BN is trying all sorts of dirty tricks and attacks against the opposition held seats and states under its control. Faced with increasing attacks there is no move to close ranks and strengthen organization and discipline. Instead there is only fire-fighting and defence of the too easily won seats.
The rakyat gave the opposition these seats to their own surprise, but the opposition does not respect this gift by taking a serious attitude towards becoming a serious opposition with a view to seize the reins of power during the next GE. Instead it looks as if it is satisfied with becoming a 3 party opposition with informal agreements. This is as good as saying they are satisfied with becoming a permanent opposition.
It is high time to respond to the trust and hope that the rakyat place upon the opposition by cementing their relationship in a formal way and endorsing a single discipline as well as master plan.
The least that can be done is to form shadow cabinets not only for the nation but for states which are still under the BN. This way, there will be a single discipline and a single opposition that faces the BN – not 3 opposition parties. All opposition members must respect the leadership and discipline of the shadow CMs as well as shadow PM.
This way, the rakyat can see that the opposition is serious and may be trusted to stand together in the face of dirty tricks and immoral attacks. The rakyat do not have to worry whether the opposition can stay together and appoint cabinet ministers and important posts without quarrelling and breaking apart.
The political situation demands that this be done, not I, but if you do not do this, I for one will say that you are not serious politicians.
By batsman