Anwar laments inaction by MACC despite concrete evidence

By Maria J.Dass (The Sun)

Opposition leader and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleged that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had yet to act against Barisan Nasional (BN) agents including former Kedah Menteri Besar and Kedah BN chairman Datuk  Seri Mahazir Khalid despite concrete evidence of enticement recorded by commission officers themselves.

Revealing this in the Dewan Rakyat during his debate on the royal address, Anwar in speaking about the alleged bribes, kidnapping and threats used to lure Pakatan Rakyat (PR) elected representatives to leave the party or jump ship said Kulim assemblyman Lim Soo Nee who was one of those who were lured had been used as a bait by the commission to gather evidence against the agents.
“On April 11, 2008, I received a report that BN agents representing Mahazir had offered Lim RM4 million to defect to BN, and this sum was later raised to RM5 million,” he said.
“Arrangement to introduce Lim to Mahazir and the Deputy Prime Minister were also promised,” he added.
Anwar said Lim who was harassed with this offers and persuasions throughout April, May, June and July 2008 lodged a report with the MACC and collaborated with the commission which made a CCTV recording of a meeting between Lim and Mahazir arranged at a hotel in Seberang Jaya at the end of 2008.

“However till today there has been no follow up and I understand that the officer in charge of the investigations had been transferred out of Kedah,” he said.

Anwar when met outside the Dewan was however non-committal when asked if he had a copy of the CCTV recording saying: “You will know at the right time.”

“Lim told us the ACA did it professionally- the voices and visuals are clear,” he said adding that the party lawyer was also present at the time the recording of the negotiations was being taken.
Anwar claimed there was ample evidence, enough to prefer charge.

“This is a test for the MACC and its independence after all the support and belief that we have shown for the new council,” he said during the debate.

He said he had proof and statements to show that there have been attempts by BN agents to entice PR assemblymen in Kedah to leave the coalition and thus cause the downfall of the PR leadership in Kedah led by Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak.

Among these were Tan Wei Shu who received threats to his life in the form of bullets, while his colleague and Kedah executive council member V.Arumugam had received threats that he will face the same fate as the late Lunas assemblyman Joe Fernandez who was shot to death, harassed by two men and had the rear windscreen of his official car smashed with a brick. Anwar questioned the delays and lapses in police and MACC investigations into reports of these threats and harassment.

Anwar also gave a lengthy history lesson on the immunity enjoyed by Malay Rulers quoting history books and his experience in drafting the amendments which led to the Rulers using this immunity when he was a minister in the government. “I know the history behind this and the
discussions that went on in Cabinet pertaining this,” he said.

Anwar also questioned Umno over their failure to address the disrespect to the rulers when their party members protested in front of the palaces of Perlis and Kuala Terengganu when they disliked the rulers choice for Mentri Besars.

Now you are talking so much about supporting the rulers following the protests in front of the palace in Kuala Kangsar following the Sultan's decision to appoint BN as the new state government following the resignation of three PR state assemblymen from their respective parties
to become independents aligned to the BN.
