This morning, for the first time, I went INTO the Palace of Justice. My first time there was when, in solidarity with my lawyer friends, we assembled on the steps of this Palace and I walked with them to the Prime Minister's office. I have a picture of this opulent structure but I do not want to put this up, because by 2:30pm this afternoon, this Istana was an insult to RECTITUDE.

The Federal Court this morning heard the Home Ministry's move to strike out the Shah Alam High court that ordered the release of Raja Petra late last year. Even before the beginning of the hearing, we smelt the rat when request to have 7 or 5 judges sit over the case was not granted. Instead three were appointed and one had a dubious reputation.

Even his early recusing himself was a choreographed charade. Finally his two other brothers "reinstated" him and as you will now have known, they have postponed to 23rd February for THEIR judgement. The obnoxious chicanery was so obvious that I left the court room. This was my first introduction to a kangaroo court. With all these shinanigans we are reliably informed by insiders in the Palace of Justice that the judgment was already penned.

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