Of Divorces And Cross Overs
The question is can this party hopping, rather YBs cross overs, be stopped once and for all? Post dated resignation letters have not worked. We can argue it's valid till our faces turn blue.
Even in marriages, people jump out. When things get sour, couples who one time were madly in love,just pack their bags and leave. They get divorced and go separate ways. Some walk straight to another marriage. Divorce is always sad but the reality is, it happens. And all of us accepts reality.
However there are people who liken political cross overs to a divorce and remarrying to another lover. They argue when politicians do not believe in their party any more they have the right to "divorce' themselves from the party of origin. And "remarry" a new lover.( read crossover to another political party). They can't quit their seat and recontest because the law prohibit them. Hence they cross over without vacating their seats to the open arms of a new party.
Perhaps there's some truth in that. But when elected representatives of the House ( parliament or state assembly ) do that, it causes more than a stir. Even if the YB "really" have lost faith in their party and want to "sincerely" serve the people via another party, there will be more questions than answers. We all know what the questions are as they have been asked a million times before. So let's not go into that again. Suffice to say political cross overs of elected representatives of the rakyat has always been linked to "buying over". Dirty things. Corruption. It could be mere accusations. It's hard to prove definitely. But that's the perception. And it will always be so.
In the rare occasion such politicians are not accused of being dirty the talk will be of betrayal. They'll be accused of betraying not only their party but their voters. True they can say they were voted in based on merit,on their "wonderful" personality. Voters loved them. That's arguable of course. But one thing's for sure. The election machinery used for the election was that of their former party. We can go on and on.
The question is can this party hopping, rather YBs cross overs, be stopped once and for all? Post dated resignation letters have not worked. We can argue it's valid till our faces turn blue.
Anti hopping laws are still being talked without any move forward. Some even believe such laws are unconstitutional. I' m no law expert. So best I keep mum on that.
However I'll like to share the opinion of one law expert on how to put an end to this. Associate professor Azmi Sharom from the University of Malaya has got this to say. The rakyat can "punish" YBs who cross over and the party which accept them. Through the ballot boxes of course. Now that's something all of us will not argue. After all in divorce cases the children suffers. In cross overs the voters suffers.