Spineless politicians and economic tides threaten a nation’s future
The full brunt of the globally spreading economic depression is yet to lap on our shores with full force. But we are already beginning to feel the meltdown. Ask any retailer and household and they will tell you how shrinking purses, tightening of belts and cashflow constipation are already putting the squeeze on our pasar malams and shopping malls.
At the same time we are also witnessing unprecedented party hopping antics from among spineless politicians. Have our politicians and citizenry lost all sense of values?
How can this nation beef up to meet the economic tides ahead when we cannot even demonstrate convincingly to move on in a consolidated spirit of democracy?
How can we brace ourselves to defend country and people against the threats of a global economic and financial challenge when our priority is to galvanize party power and control by individuals all at the expense of national stability and solidarity?
The recent debacle in Perak is chiseling away the smooth running of the past ten months of laborious work. Meanwhile we are hearing puncturing hints of more defections and rumors of immoral offers as enticements.
And for as long as we sanctify party hopping, we can only be promoting mercenary politics at the expense of sound, ethical and moral behavior. Does this all then not glaring stand contrary to the very Rukun Negara that we so proudly championed?
Indeed these are but desperate times for desperate politicians.
For a nation that places God, religion and loyalty as premium preferences in the governance of the nation, we should all be ashamed that we are helplessly allowing the promulgation of dirty politics instead.
Or have we been reduced to being shameless creatures feeling no remorse of conscience anymore?
Given the trend, focus, lack of ethical standing and corrupt practices as we fan party hoping at huge costs, it is not far fetched to state that the nation will only be most ill prepared to meet the future economic challenges that are already knocking hard on many nations these days.
Who will take ownership for this mess in the final analysis?
– J. D. Lovrenciear , Semenyih