PAS: Tabung Harapan ‘excuse’ to not fulfil Pakatan’s manifesto

(MMO) – PAS has lambasted the crowd-funded Tabung Harapan Malaysia (THM) as an excuse for Pakatan Harapan (PH) to shirk its election pledges.

In an interview with party paper Harakah, deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man compared the situation to both Greece and PAS-controlled Kelantan, saying both governments did not have to resort to such measures despite their debts.

“For me, Tabung Harapan was formed just as an excuse to not implement the 100-day manifesto pledges as announced. Actually, the excuse of not having money, or being in debt, cannot be used because they should have referred to government finances before drafting the manifesto or making such offers.

“Not to promise and make offers without reviewing the country’s financial situation first,” the Kubang Kerian MP said.

He also dismissed the similarities between THM and Kelantan’s own Tabung Serambi Mekah launched by late mentri besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, saying the latter was started to keep donors anonymous.

“Mentri besar, exco and Kelantan representatives also contribute some of their wages and allowances to the fund. The collection functions as a catalyst for people’s welfare, different from THM,” he said.

THM has collected over RM43 million as of 3pm today.

Tuan Ibrahim also chastised Putrajaya for abruptly shutting several redundant government agencies, a decision which he said resulted in negative implications.

He compared it to the Terengganu state government, saying it did not sack politically-appointed staff, but the latter was given a month’s notice to find new jobs.

“Not all agencies were formed due to political appointments, but some was based on needs at the time,” he said.

